Tools - Capacity Building

CBD - Communication, Education and Public Awareness

Among the many barriers to achieving the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and of the other biodiversity-related conventions, the lack of public awareness on the importance of biodiversity ranks as one of the most serious. Without an awareness of the importance of biodiversity to human well-being, citizens and stakeholders are not likely to take the steps needed to mainstream biodiversity considerations into their daily lives and practices. The lack of public awareness also contributes to the relatively low political priority given to biodiversity issues. The Convention’s Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) programme is an important instrument for this target. This site provides information on the Aichi Biodiversity Target 1, resources, toolkits, case studies and links to other relevant information.

CBD - Database on Capacity-building

Users can search the database for relevant information using the following criteria: Country, Region, Type of implementing agency, Target, Main capacity building area, Source of funding, to Status of Project.

CBD - Technology Transfer and Cooperation Information Database

Users can search for relevant information using the search function and criteria. Users can search by keywords, subjects, or countries.

Denying entry : opportunities to build capacity to prevent the introduction of invasive species and improve biosecurity at US ports

A recognized gap in the US government’s knowledge of the role that trade has played in the introduction of invasive species into the US led to a study undertaken by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of International Affairs and IUCN. The aim was to identify the resources, strategies, and policies necessary to create, maintain, and make accessible one or more commodity/invasive species databases that EPA and other relevant agencies can apply to trade policy decision-making in a timely and scientifically-based manner.

Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity (CBD)

The biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands provides critical ecosystem services to support two billion people, 90% of whom live in developing countries. The conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity of dry and sub-humid lands is, therefore, central to livelihood development and poverty alleviation. This site provides links to national reports, case studies, toolkits and guidelines and other related information.

GISP Training Course Materials

The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) developed & delivered World Bank-funded, GISP Training Courses and a range of capacity building activities which targeted developing countries- training courses on Economic Analysis of Invasive Species; Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Invasive Species; Management of Marine and Coastal Invasive Species; Management of Invasive Species; Strategies and Tools to Prevent the Introduction of Invasive Species; Taxonomy of Marine Invasive Species and Regional Capacity Building Workshops on Invasive Species. The toolkits and training course materials in English and some in Spanish, French and Portuguese as power point presentations and course exercises.

Handbook on Import Risk Analysis Animals and Animal Products [World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)] Volume II

The handbook will provide practical guidance to Veterinary Services confronted with the need to analyse the risks posed by imports, to ensure that stakeholders, risk analysts and decision-makers can be confident that the disease risks posed have been identified and can be managed effectively. The handbook will also be useful as a training aid to address the critical need for capacity building in this discipline.

IABIN Invasives Information Network (I3N)

I3N integrates information from countries throughout the Americas to support the detection and management of invasive alien species. I3N provides capacity building and an array of electronic tools for information management and increased access to information. Pages within the site include risk assessment tools and a vector pathway analysis tool.

International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) - Capacity building

Phytosanitary Capacity building strategy. Contracting parties to the IPPC agree to promote the provision of technical assistance to other contracting parties with the objective of facilitating the implementation of the Convention. In particular, the Convention encourages support to developing countries in order to improve the effectiveness of their National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) and increase the potential for them to realize the benefits of safe trade. The Convention also encourages participation in regional plant protection organizations as the basis for cooperation in achieving the aims of the IPPC at the regional level.

International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) – Phytosanitary information portal

At you can find and contribute phytosanitary technical resources from and to the world's plant protection community. The IPPC Secretariat encourages contributions in any language from anyone in the world working in the field of plant protection including IPPC Contracting Parties, Regional Plant Protection Organisations and other relevant organisations.

Invasive Alien Species - Tematea

The module is a tool that offers a logical framework of obligations and commitments from regional and global biodiversity agreements, which encompass issues of invasive alien species. This is based on current articles, decisions, recommendations and conclusions from a range of agreements on issues that are significant for biodiversity. Modules are also supported at country level. Invasive alien species (IAS) are non-native species that are introduced deliberately or unintentionally in areas outside their natural habitats, where they become established, proliferate and spread, causing damage to the environment. Implementation requirements from multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) focus on the prevention of the introduction of IAS and the control and eradication of those IAS, which nonetheless become established to threaten ecosystems, habitats or native species that may be endangered. The module is divided into seven sections: Assessments: including risk assessment, impact assessment, presence of IAS, identification, reporting and indicators. Legislative measures and national policies: including national strategies. Management: including the prevention and eradication of IAS, rehabilitation and restoration, and other non-legislative approaches. Economic instruments: including incentives Provision of resources: including funding activities and capacity building. Communication, education and public awareness: including training Cooperation: including coordination across sectors "

Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII)

The Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII) is the leading capacity development agency within the Pacific Region for invasive species management. PII works with Pacific Island Countries and Territories, both government and non-government organisations, to build the capacity of their staff by providing technical advice and support and training courses, to effectively manage threats posed by invasive species.

Pacific Invasives Learning Network (PILN)

The Pacific Invasives Learning Network is a capacity building network of multi-agency teams in the Pacific to address the threats posed by invasive species. A report on works "Soundbites" is published monthly.

WTO/STDF - SPS Agreement training on WTO's E-Learning site

An online course on the SPS Agreement is available on the WTO's E-Learning site. This also covers the SPS Agreement's provisions on risk assessment.

WTO/STDF - Standards and Trade Development Facility homepage

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) is a global partnership that supports developing countries in building their capacity to implement international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, guidelines and recommendations as a means to improve their human, animal and plant health status and ability to gain or maintain access to markets.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith