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Information services - Completed Risk Assessments
Alligator Weed Control Manual |
This manual presents best practice advice for the eradication and suppression of alligator weed in Australia. This advice is based on a review of over 30 years of published information and past and current field practices. To develop the best practice information presented here a technical reference group made up of researchers, managers and technical specialists reviewed the current knowledge and information over a series of workshops. Case studies provide examples of management strategies and control techniques. |
Hawaiian Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA) |
This is where users download risk assessments of previously screened plant species. Currently, there are 1443 species assessments available. |
National African Boxthorn Strategic Plan |
Weeds of National Significance are declared based on their invasiveness, impacts, potential for spread and significant environmental and socioeconomic impacts. African boxthorn ticks all these boxes, and in 2012 was declared a Weed of National Significance. This Strategic Plan provides guidance for the first five years of implementing a nationally coordinated approached to managing African boxthorn. |
National System for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pest Incursions |
The database provides detailed information on non-native marine pest plant and animal species in Australian waters. Species datasheets contain comprehensive information on taxonomic classification, morphology, ecology and physiology,vectors, pathways of introduction and impacts on natural systems, as well as a list of references and articles with additional information pertaining to that particular species. NIMPIS is a central repository of information on the biology, ecology and distribution (international and national) of invasive marine pest species. It includes known species that have been introduced to Australian waters and species that are considered to pose a potential of future introduction. |
Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC) -Risk Assessment Tools |
The page lists a number of tools, both in PDF form and links to other websites. There are also some completed risk assessments. |
The Economic Impact and Appropriate Management of Selected Invasive Alien Species on the African Continent. |
This report provides case studies of the economic impact of five invasive alien species in different areas in Africa. The overall aim of this work was to provide detailed information to administrators and managers. The species were: • Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus); • Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes); • The larger grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus); • Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus); and • Triffid weed (Chromolaena odorata). [R.M. Wise, B.W. van Wilgen, M.P. Hill, F. Schulthess, D. Tweddle, A. Chabi-Olay, and H.G Zimmermann, 2007. The Economic Impact and Appropriate Management of Selected Invasive Alien Species on the African Continent. Final Report prepared for the: Global Invasive Species Programme. CSIR Report Number CSIR/NRE/RBSD/ER/2007/0044/C] |
The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC) Alien Species |
A new semi-quantitative method that enables researchers and others to assess the environmental impacts posed by alien species has now been implemented in Norway. While the method is tailored to the Norwegian environment, it can easily be adapted to other countries, and fills an international need for a quantifiable, uniform approach to classifying and assessing alien species. The publication that details the potential impacts of alien species in Norwayis now released in English. |
Trinational Risk Assessment Guidelines for Aquatic Alien Invasive Species Test Cases for the Snakeheads (Channidae) and Armored Catfi shes ( Loricariidae) in North American Inland Waters. Commission for Environmental Cooperation, 2009. |
This report covers guidelines in risk assessments and socioeconomic impacts and analyses of invasive aquatic species in Canada, Mexico and the United States. There are several case studies of armoured catfish included in the document. Also available in the appendices are: an organism risk assessment form, an inferential estimation of organism risk and pathway risk, and a glossary of relevant terms and definitions. |