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Information services - Literature and bibliographies
AlgaeBase |
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms. At present, the data for the marine algae, particularly seaweeds, are the most complete. For convenience, we have included the sea-grasses, even though they are flowering plants. |
American Journal of Botany |
The AJB publishes peer-reviewed, innovative, significant research of interest to a wide audience of plant scientists in all areas of plant biology (structure, function, development, diversity, genetics, evolution, systematics), all levels of organization (molecular to ecosystem), and all plant groups and allied organisms (cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, and lichens). |
Animal Conservation |
Animal Conservation provides a forum for rapid publication of novel, peer-reviewed research into conservation of animal species and their habitats. The focus is on rigorous studies of an empirical or theoretical nature. Studies may relate to populations, species, or communities but should have broad conservation significance. |
Aquatic Botany |
An International Scientific Journal dealing with Applied and Fundamental Research on Submerged, Floating and Emergent Plants in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems...It is also an outlet for papers dealing with applied research on plant-dominated aquatic systems, including the consequences of disturbance (e.g. transplantation, influence of herbicides and other chemicals, thermal pollution, biological control, grazing and disease), the use of aquatic plants, conservation of resources, and all aspects of aquatic plant production and decomposition. |
Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management |
As the official journal of the Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society , Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management promotes understanding of the structure, function, and performance of healthy and damaged aquatic ecosystems (freshwater, marine, estuarine) from integrated, multi-disciplinary and sustainable perspectives. |
Aquatic Invasions |
Aquatic Invasions is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal focusing on biological invasions in inland and coastal water ecosystems from around the world (please see "Journal Information" and "Author Guidelines" pages for more information). Aquatic Invasions is indexed by Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, CAB Abstracts and ASFA databases (please see "Journal Information" page for details). |
Aquatic Sciences |
Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries publishes original research, overviews, and reviews dealing with aquatic systems (wetlands, freshwater and marine systems) and their boundaries, including the impact of human activities on these systems. |
Baltic Sea Alien Species Database |
The Baltic Sea Alien Species Database is an interactive tool, and offers several information retrieving options: Database Search, Baltic Sub-regions, and Species Directory. Information from the Database is obtained from members of the Baltic Marine Biologists Working Group on Non-Indigenous Estuarine and Marine Organisms, as well as from other researchers of invasive species biology. Published papers, grey literature, environmental reports, other internet sites and the Database Questionnaire also provide information. Objectives and goals of the Database include: to provide a qualified reference system on alien species for the Baltic Sea area, to update information on the Baltic Sea alien species, to encourage the exchange of data among different geographical regions and thereby to serve a node in the Global Information System for Invasive Species. |
BioControl |
BioControl, the official journal of the International Organization for Biological Control, presents original papers on basic and applied research in all aspects of biological control of invertebrate, vertebrate and weed pests, and plant diseases. |
Biodiversity and Conservation |
Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. |
Biological Conservation |
The journal publishes articles spanning a diverse range of fields that contribute to the biological, sociological, and economic dimensions of conservation and natural resource management. The primary aim of Biological Conservation is the publication of high-quality papers that advance the science and practice of conservation, or which demonstrate the application of conservation principles for natural resource management and policy. |
Biological Control |
The aim of Biological Control is to promote this science and technology through publication of original research articles and reviews of research and theory. The journal devotes a section to reports on biotechnologies dealing with the elucidation and use of genes or gene products for the enhancement of biological control agents. |
Biological Invasions |
Biological Invasions publishes research and synthesis papers on patterns and processes of biological invasions in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine (including brackish) ecosystems. Also of interest are scholarly papers on management and policy issues as they relate to conservation programs and the global amelioration or control of invasions. |
Bird Conservation International |
Bird Conservation International is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that seeks to promote worldwide research and action for the conservation of birds and the habitats upon which they depend. The official journal of BirdLife International, it provides stimulating, international and up-to-date coverage of a broad range of conservation topics, using birds to illuminate wider issues of biodiversity, conservation and sustainable resource use. |
CABI Invasive Species Compendium Bibliographic Database |
The ISC is a constantly developing encyclopaedic resource containing: Datasheets on over 1500 invasive species and animal diseases; Basic datasheets on further species, countries, habitats and pathways; Bibliographic database of over 75,000 records; Full text documents. The datasheets comprise fully referenced sections on taxonomy and nomenclature, distribution, habitat, identification, biology and ecology, species associations, pathways for introduction, impacts and management, complemented by images and maps, and supported by abstracts and full text articles. |
CBD - Climate Change and Biodiversity |
It is now widely recognized that climate change and biodiversity are interconnected. Biodiversity is affected by climate change, with negative consequences for human well-being, but biodiversity, through the ecosystem services it supports, also makes an important contribution to both climate-change mitigation and adaptation. Consequently, conserving and sustainably managing biodiversity is critical to addressing climate change. This site provides links and information to COP Decisions, case studies, resources, documents and other related areas. |
CBD - National Reports |
Article 26 of the Convention states that the objective of national reporting is to provide information on measures taken for the implementation of the Convention and the effectiveness of these measures. |
CBD Technical Series |
The CBD IAS pages link to a variety of Reports and case Studies, as well as relevant CBD documents and volumes in the CBD Technical Series. |
Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health |
The mission of the Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health is to serve a lead role in development, consolidation and dissemination of information and programs focused on invasive species, forest health, natural resource and agricultural management through technology development, program implementation, training, applied research and public awareness at the (USA) state, regional, national and international levels. It includes a list of websites, publications, images and information. |
Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health publications |
A large number of publications, dealing primarily with North America, and including identification guides, are listed and linked to. |
CIESM Atlas of Exotic Species in the Mediterranean |
The CIESM Atlas of Exotic Species is the first attempt to provide a comprehensive, group by group, survey of recent marine "immigrants" in the Mediterranean, which is undergoing drastic and rapid changes to its biota. Many of these new species are of Indo-Pacific origin having reached the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal: these so called "Lessepsian" migrants now contribute significantly to the biodiversity of the Eastern basin. With increasing attention paid to this phenomenon, invaders of other origin-notably from the tropical Atlantic realm- are now more frequently recognized as well, a result of a natural invasion through the Gibraltar straits or of introduction (accidental or intentional) by man. The Atlas is a guide for researchers, environmental planners and non-specialists who are interested in or likely to encounter marine species that are not native to the basin. |
Conservation Evidence (database) |
Conservation Evidence is a free, authoritative information resource designed to support decisions about how to maintain and restore global biodiversity. It summarises evidence from the scientific literature about the effects of conservation Interventions, such as methods of habitat or species management. The site also produces a open-access journal publishing research and case studies. Search results will provide a list of studies and scientific articles published within Conservation Evidence or in other journals (summaries of articles only). |
Conservation Evidence (Journal) | |
Conservation Letters |
Conservation Letters is a scientific journal publishing empirical and theoretical research with significant implications for the conservation of biological diversity. The journal welcomes submissions across the biological and social sciences - especially interdisciplinary submissions – that advance pragmatic conservation goals as well as scientific understanding. |
Database of Island Invasive Species Eradications (DIISE) |
Covers all recorded invasive vertebrate eradications on islands and an important tool to improve the quality of eradications. |
Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE) publications |
List of publications based on DAISIE data (a focus on Europe). |
Department of Conservation Series: Products |
The site contains the archives of scientific research undertaken for New Zealand native species. |
Diversity and Distributions |
Diversity and Distributions is a journal of conservation biogeography. We publish papers that deal with the application of biogeographical principles, theories, and analyses (being those concerned with the distributional dynamics of taxa and assemblages) to problems concerning the conservation of biodiversity. |
ECOLEX: Search results for invasive alien species |
The search results yield a comprehensive list of treaties, regulations and other legislative information on invasive alien species worldwide |
Ecological Applications |
Ecological Applications, published eight times per year, contains ecological research and discussion papers that have specific relevance to environmental management and policy. |
Ecological Economics |
The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the study and management of “nature's household” (ecology) and “humankind's household” (economics). This integration is necessary because conceptual and professional isolation have led to economic and environmental policies which are mutually destructive rather than reinforcing in the long term. |
Ecological Management and Restoration |
Ecological Management & Restoration aims to bridge the gap between the ecologist's perspective and field manager's experience. Publishing peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, news items, reviews and letters on the science and practice of ecosystem restoration and management, this innovative journal combines a highly readable style with scientifically credible material. |
Ecological Modelling |
The journal is concerned with the use of mathematical models and systems analysis for the description of ecological processes and for the sustainable management of resources. |
Ecology and Evolution |
Ecology and Evolution is the peer reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of research in all areas of ecology, evolution and conservation science. The journal gives priority to quality research reports, theoretical or empirical, that develop our understanding of organisms and their diversity, interactions between them, and the natural environment. |
Endangered Species Research |
ESR is international and interdisciplinary. It covers all endangered forms of life on Earth, the threats faced by species and their habitats and the necessary steps that must be undertaken to ensure their conservation. ESR publishes high quality contributions reporting research on all species (and habitats) of conservation concern, whether they be classified as Near Threatened or Threatened (Endangered or Vulnerable) by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) or highlighted as part of national or regional conservation strategies. |
Environmental Conservation |
Environmental Conservation is one of the longest-standing, most highly-cited of the interdisciplinary environmental science journals. It includes research papers, reports, comments, subject reviews, and book reviews addressing environmental policy, practice, and natural and social science of environmental concern at the global level, informed by rigorous local level case studies. |
Environmental Management |
Environmental Management offers research and opinions on use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats and control of hazards, spanning the field of applied ecology without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries. |
Environmental Science and Technology |
The news and features section of ES&T presents objective reports and analyses of the major advances, trends, and challenges in environmental science, technology, and policy for a diverse professional audience. It aims to promote interdisciplinary understanding in the environmental field. |
EPPO - Pest Risk Analysis |
Acoop-it page gathering information on risk assessment and risk management performed to protect plant health in the EPPO region and worldwide. Also sharing information on PRA methodology (e.g. climate mapping, PRA schemes, evaluation of impact). |
EPPO - Publications |
EPPO produces a wide selection of publications, books, journals and brochures (in English and French). Some of these publications can be obtained electronically. Most EPPO standards can be retrieved as electronic files from our section 'Standard'. You can also receive information by e-mail (EPPO Reporting Service) and be informed of the availability of new EPPO Standards and new phytosanitary regulations by registering with the EPPO Electronic Documentation Service. |
EPPO - Scoop on invasive plants |
This 'Journal on invasive alien plants' is maintained by the Secretariat of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and its aim is to share information collected on the Internet on invasive alien plants. |
European Alien Species Information network (EASIN) online resources |
EASIN has a set of links to online resources including databases, publications and checklists of species. It also serves a Catalogue of alien species in Europe. |
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) Reporting Service |
This is a monthly information report on events of phytosanitary concern. It focuses on new geographical records, new host plants, new pests (including invasive alien plants), pests to be added to the EPPO Alert List, detection and identification methods etc. |
European network on Invasive Alien Species (NOBANIS) |
NOBANIS is a gateway to information on alien and invasive species in North and Central Europe. It covers marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments and provides: a distributed but integrated database on introduced species in the region; fact sheets on many of the most invasive aliens; a catalogue of the regulation relevant to invasive species in participating countries; a literature database; a photo bank; connects to regional and global networks and projects of invasive aliens species. |
European network on Invasive alien Species (NOBANIS) - Database |
Alien species database, searchable by species, taxonomic group, habitat and country. Covers all groups for Europe. |
FAO publications page |
Publications produced by the FAO, across all of their activities. | |
The website contains a searchable database of information for invasive vertebrate species in Australia and New Zealand. Information includes published and unpublished research, technical reports, legislation and management practices and threat mitigation plans. The website also has information on social issues and animal welfare, as well as an image gallery and PestMaps, which are maps of the distributions and abundances of invasive species. The Bureau of Rural Sciences’ Australian Pest Animal Management Program supported the predecessor of the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (the Pest Animal Control CRC) in cooperation with the University of Canberra to develop a comprehensive, interactive and freely-available website on pest animals. The site aims to make information on past and current research related to invasive animal control readily accessible and to interpret and pull together relevant data to assist users of the site in making management decisions. The site is structured around a searchable database of information on vertebrate invasive animals in Australia and New Zealand. |
FishBase |
Use the search form on the page linked to. Fish, freshwater and marine, global. Use search system for scientific or common names. To identify species either enter the Family name of the fish and use the ‘Identification by pictures’, ‘list of pictures’ or ‘Identification keys’ buttons, or, at the bottom of the page there is a set of tools, including Quick Identification, Identification Keys, Identification by Morphometrics, Species by Ecosystem. |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2013, Country Pest Overviews |
This page contains a review of forest insect pests and diseases in naturally-regenerating forests and planted forests in 25 countries representing Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, , Latin America and the Caribbean the Near East. |
Forest Ecology and Management |
Forest Ecology and Management publishes scientific articles that link forest ecology with forest management, and that apply biological and ecological knowledge to the management and conservation of man-made and natural forests. The scope of the journal includes all forest ecosystems of the world. |
Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA) |
This is an information network for parties interested in pest management in forests in sub-Saharan Africa. There is a register of forest pest management experts, as well as lists of projects on insect pests, diseases, invasive plants and biocontrol. Publications from the Forest and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) are also available. The Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA) was created in 2004 to coordinate the collation and dissemination of information relating to forest invasive species in sub-Saharan Africa for sustainable forest management and conservation of biodiversity. Invasive species are defined as biotic agents, not native to a specific forest ecosystem, whose introduction does, or is likely, to cause harm to the forest ecosystem. |
Forestry |
The aim of the journal is to publish high quality articles and reviews on all aspects of research, practice and policy that inform and promote the sustainable management of forests and trees. The journal is inclusive of all subjects, geographical zones and study locations, including trees in urban environments, plantations and natural forests. |
Freshwater Biology |
Freshwater Biology publishes papers on all aspects of the ecology of inland surface waters, including rivers and lakes, connected ground waters, flood plains and other wetlands. We publish studies of micro-organisms, algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, fish and other vertebrates, as well as those concerning whole systems and related physical and chemical aspects of the environment. |
Global Change Biology |
Global Change Biology exists to promote understanding of the interface between all aspects of current environmental change that affects a substantial part of the globe and biological systems. |
Global Ecology and Biogeography |
Global Ecology and Biogeography focuses on the emerging field of macroecology: the study of broad, consistent patterns in the ecological characteristics of organisms and ecosystems. The journal emphasizes studies that address general ecological hypotheses, explored and tested using data of broad geographic, taxonomic, or temporal scope. |
Global Invasive Species Information Network Publications |
GISIN publications are available in downloadable PDF format. |
Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) Publications & Reports |
The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) together with its Partner Organisations began activities in 1997 with a Knowledge-Building Phase which culminated in a number of groundbreaking publications. A wide range of themes have been covered including Invasive species management; Best practices in pre-import risk screening for species of live animals in international trade; Biofuel crops and non-native species; Marine biofouling and guidelines for prevention and management; Invasive species and Protected Areas; Economic impacts of invasive species; National and Regional Legislation for promotion and Support to the Prevention, Control, and Eradication of Invasive Species; the Aid Trade - International Assistance Programs as Pathways for the Introduction of Invasive Alien Species and Alien species in Aquaculture - considerations for responsible use. |
GloBallast |
Invasive aquatic species are one of the four greatest threats to the world's oceans, and can cause extremely severe environmental, economic and public health impacts.The GEF/UNDP/IMO Global Ballast Water Management Programme (GloBallast) is assisting developing countries to; reduce the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships' ballast water, implement the IMO ballast water Guidelines and prepare for the new IMO ballast water Convention. |
Harmful Algae |
This journal provides a forum to promote knowledge of harmful microalgae and macroalgae, including cyanobacteria, as well as monitoring, management and control of these organisms. |
HerpDigest |
Reptile and amphibian science and conservation. Issues of HerpDigest Include: •Articles on current herpetological news found in the print, electronic, and digital world |
Hydrobiologia |
Hydrobiologia publishes original research, reviews and opinions investigating the biology of all aquatic environments, including the impact of human activities. Coverage includes molecular-, organism-, community- and ecosystem-level studies dealing with limnology and oceanography, including systematics and aquatic ecology. |
I3N - Brazil |
This website hosts the National Invasive Species Database for Brasil. The site contains information on risk assessments of non-native species, case studies of IAS in Brazil, links to published articles, legal regulations and a photo gallery of invasive species. |
I3N - Chile |
A database containing a list of invasive species. This is the component corresponding to CHILE of the information network on invasive alien species (I3N) of the Inter-American network of information on biodiversity (IABIN)" |
I3N Brazil Invasive Species Network |
The database contains more than two thousand references. |
Ibis |
Ibis publishes original papers, reviews and short communications reflecting the forefront of research activity in ornithological science, but with special emphasis on the conservation, ecology, ethology and systematics of birds. Ibis aims to publish as rapidly as is consistent with the requirements of peer-review and normal publishing constraints. |
Information System of Invasive Species in Mexico |
The site contains a database of invasive species of all taxa found in Mexico. Information about these IAS have been obtained from experts, scientific literature, and from projects supported by CONABIO. For each species listed, information on its introduction route and status of invasion are provided. The list is regularly updated. This page presents the lists of invasive species reported for our country and some whose Mexico entry is imminent, or would have severe consequences for our biodiversity. These lists are in constant review, due to the dynamic nature of the problem, so it will be updated on a regular basis. |
Integrative Zoology |
Integrative Zoology is the official journal of the International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) and focuses on zoology as an integrative discipline encompassing all aspects of animal life. It presents a broad perspective of many levels of zoological inquiry, both horizontal and vertical, aiming to promote cooperation among different specialized fields of zoological sciences. |
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) |
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) coordinates and promotes marine research on oceanography, the marine environment, the marine ecosystem, and on living marine resources in the North Atlantic. ICES is a scientific and research organization for the provision of information and advice to member countries and international bodies. |
International Journal of Remote Sensing |
The International Journal of Remote Sensing is concerned with the science and technology of remote sensing and the applications of remotely sensed data in all major disciplines. Principal topics are: data collection, analysis, interpretation and display; surveying from space, air and water platforms; sensors; image processing; use of remotely sensed data; economic surveys and cost-benefit analyses. |
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) - Standards |
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). These are the standards adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), which is the governing body of the IPPC. The IPPC is the only standard setting organization for plant health. In addition, these standards, guidelines and recommendations are recognized as the basis for phytosanitary measures applied in trade by the Members of the World Trade Organization under the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the SPS Agreement). Both contracting and non-contracting parties to the IPPC are encouraged to implement these standards. Standards in themselves are not regulatory instruments but come into force once countries establish requirements within their national legislation. Requests for specific information on import requirements should be addressed to the national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) of the country of import. |
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) – Phytosanitary information portal |
At you can find and contribute phytosanitary technical resources from and to the world's plant protection community. The IPPC Secretariat encourages contributions in any language from anyone in the world working in the field of plant protection including IPPC Contracting Parties, Regional Plant Protection Organisations and other relevant organisations. |
Invasive Alien Species and Protected areas: A Scoping Report Part I. Scoping the scale and nature of invasive alien species threats to protected areas, impediments to IAS management and means to address those impediments. |
Invasive Alien Species and Protected areas: A Scoping Report Part I. Scoping the scale and nature of invasive alien species threats to protected areas, impediments to IAS management and means to address those impediments. 2007. Produced for the World Bank as a contribution to the Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP). Produced by Maj De Poorter (Invasive Species Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN - The World Conservation Union) |
Invasive Plant Science and Management |
Invasive Plant Science and Management is a broad-based journal that focuses on |
Invasive Plant Species in Portugal |
The site provides a list of plant species invasive in Portugla. Species profiles with photographs are provided along with information on biological invasions and management of invasive plants. There is also a list of publications. Over 550 exotic plant species introduced in Portugal (Continental) are nowadays considered as casual, sub spontaneous or invasive (Marchante et al 2005, Almeida & Freitas 20061). Much more species were introduced but are fully controlled by Humam action, and so are not included in this number. Portuguese legislation (Decreto Lei nº 565/99) lists about 400 exotic plant species as introduced to Portugal, and from these 30 are classified as invasive species. Almeida in 19992 referred about 500 exotic sub-spontaneous plant species, classifying 93 as invasive species and 104 as potentially invasive species. The team of INVADER developed a collection of leaflets about ""Plantas Invasoras em Portugal - fichas para identificação e controlo"" (Invasive Plant Species in Portugal - identification and control). This collection includes the 30 plant species considered invasive by Portuguese law and 3 other also invasive. The leaflets include photos, morphologic descriptions, control methodologies and some extra information about each species. " |
IPPC-Pest Reports |
IPPC - the International Plant Protection Convention - is an international agreement on plant health with 178 current signatories. It aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests. Pest reports |
IUCN / Invasive Species Specialist Group Publications |
ISSG Publications available in PDF format, including the Journal ‘Aliens’. |
Journal of Applied Ecology |
Journal of Applied Ecology publishes novel, high impact papers on the interface between ecological science and the management of biological resources...The journal includes all major themes in applied ecology, such as conservation biology, global change, environmental pollution, wildlife and habitat management, land use and management, aquatic resources, restoration ecology, and the management of pests, weeds and disease. |
Journal of Applied Entomology |
The Journal of Applied Entomology publishes original articles on current research in applied entomology, including mites, spiders, and myriapods, in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and stored product pests. |
Journal of Biogeography |
Papers dealing with all aspects of spatial, ecological and historical biogeography are considered for publication in Journal of Biogeography. The mission of the journal is to contribute to the growth and societal relevance of the discipline of biogeography through its role in the dissemination of biogeographical research. |
Journal of Environmental Management |
The Journal of Environmental Management is a journal for the publication of peer reviewed, original research for all aspects of management and the managed use of the environment, both natural and man-made. |
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management |
The Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management encourages submission of original, high quality, English-language scientific papers on the practical application and integration of science to conservation and management of native North American fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats in the following categories: Articles, Notes, Surveys and Issues and Perspectives. |
Journal of Herpetology |
The Journal of Herpetology accepts manuscripts on the biology of amphibians and reptiles, with emphasis on behavior, biochemistry, conservation, ecology, evolution, morphology, physiology, and systematics. |
Journal of Limnology |
The Journal of Limnology publishes peer-reviewed original papers, review papers and notes about all aspects of limnology. The scope of our Journal comprises the ecology, biology, microbiology, physics, and chemistry of lakes, including the impact of human activities, management and conservation. |
Journal of Tropical Forest Science |
The Journal of Tropical Forest Science (JTFS) is an international reviewed journal concerning the science, technology and development of tropical forests and forest products. The journal welcomes articles reporting original fundamental or applied research on tropical forest biology, ecology, chemistry, management, silviculture, conservation, utilization and product development. |
Journal of Vector Ecology |
The Journal of Vector Ecology is an international journal published by the Society for Vector Ecology. It is concerned with all aspects of the biology, ecology, and control of arthropod and vertebrate vectors and the interrelationships between the vectors and the agents of disease that they transmit. |
Malacologia |
Malacologia is an international journal that encompasses basic and applied biology and neontology and paleontology of Mollusca. It serves malacological interests in taxonomy, ecology, biogeography, shellfisheries biology, parasitology, embryology, morphology, histology, cytology, molecular biology, physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, evolution, and other related specialties. |
Marine and Freshwater Research |
Marine & Freshwater Research is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original and significant research on all aquatic environments. |
Marine Biodiversity Records |
Marine Biodiversity Records is a rapid peer-reviewed, online publication that complements the long-established Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biodiversity Records has been launched in response to the changing marine and coastal environment and an increasing demand for the documentation of marine organisms in locations where they have not formerly been recorded, as well as of species loss from habitats. |
Marine Biology |
Marine Biology publishes original and internationally significant contributions from all fields of marine biology. Special emphasis is given to articles which promote the understanding of life in the sea, organism-environment interactions, interactions between organisms, and the functioning of the marine biosphere. |
Marine Ecology Progress Series |
The leading journal in its field, MEPS covers all aspects of marine ecology, fundamental and applied. Topics covered include microbiology, botany, zoology, ecosystem research, biological oceanography, ecological aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, pollution, environmental protection, conservation, and resource management. |
Marine Pollution Bulletin |
Marine Pollution Bulletin is concerned with the rational use of maritime and marine resources in estuaries, the seas and oceans, as well as with documenting marine pollution and introducing new forms of measurement and analysis. A wide range of topics are discussed as news, comment, reviews and research reports, not only on effluent disposal and pollution control, but also on the management, economic aspects and protection of the marine environment in general. |
NatureServe |
This site offers a database of rare and endagered plants, animals and ecosystems in the United States and Canada. Species factsheets include distribution maps, conservation status, life histories and population information. Welcome to NatureServe Explorer, an authoritative source for information on more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada. Explorer includes particularly in-depth coverage for rare and endangered species. |
NeoBiota |
NeoBiota is a peer-reviewed, open-access, rapid online journal launched to accelerate research on alien species and biological invasions: aquatic and terrestrial, animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms |
Oecologia |
Oecologia publishes innovative ecological research of general interest to a broad international audience. We publish several types of manuscripts in many areas of ecology: Categories: Physiological ecology Behavioral ecology Population ecology Plant-animal interactions Community ecology Ecosystem ecology Global change ecology Conservation ecology. |
Oikos |
Oikos publishes original and innovative research on all aspects of ecology, defined as organism-environment interactions. |
Pest Management Science |
Pest Management Science is the international journal of research and development in crop protection and pest control. Since its launch in 1970, the journal has become the premier forum for papers on the discovery, application, and impact on the environment of products and strategies designed for pest management. |
Pets as pests. |
A collection of articles focused on Domestic pets as invasives |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences |
Each issue of Philosophical Transactions B is devoted to a specific area of the biological sciences, and aims to define a research frontier that is advancing rapidly, often bridging traditional disciplines. |
Plant Ecology |
Plant Ecology publishes original scientific papers that report and interpret the findings of pure and applied research into the ecology of vascular plants in terrestrial and wetland ecosystems. Empirical, experimental, theoretical and review papers reporting on ecophysiology, population, community, ecosystem, landscape, molecular and historical ecology are within the scope of the journal. |
PLOS ONE features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine. By not excluding papers on the basis of subject area, PLOS ONE facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers whether within or between disciplines. |
Polar Biology |
Polar Biology publishes Original Papers, Reviews, and Short Notes and is the focal point for biologists working in polar regions. It is also of interest to scientists working in biology in general, ecology and physiology, as well as in oceanography and climatology related to polar life. Polar Biology presents results of studies in plants, animals, and micro-organisms of marine, limnic and terrestrial habitats in polar and subpolar regions of both hemispheres. |
Purple Loosestrife Project Manitoba |
The website offers a information on the ecology, impacts, method of introduction, method of identification, biological control, measures of prevention and control and alternative garden substitutes for the invasive weed, purple loosestrife. Brochures are also available for download. The website also has a function which enables users to report observed infestations at their locations. The wetlands of western Canada are facing a serious threat – damage caused by the spread of an invasive plant, purple loosestrife. |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
Remote Sensing of Environment serves the remote sensing community with the publication of results on theory, science, applications and technology of remote sensing of Earth resources and environment. Thoroughly interdisciplinary, this journal publishes on terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric sensing. The emphasis of the journal is on biophysical and quantitative approaches to remote sensing at local to global scales. |
Restoration Ecology |
Restoration Ecology fosters the exchange of ideas among the many disciplines involved in the process of ecological restoration. Addressing global concerns and communicating them to the international scientific community, the journal is at the forefront of a vital new direction in science and ecology. Original papers describe experimental, observational, and theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine, and freshwater systems, and are considered without taxonomic bias. |
Sealifebase |
References can be located using the search tool at the bottom of the web page. Includes species that are not Invasive Species. Search can be made by common name or scientific name, as well as information arranged by habitat, distribution etc. Coverage is global and across many marine taxa. Many of the pages reached include photographs and descriptions. |
South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) documents |
SANBI documents can be downloaded from here. |
Swaziland's Alien Plants Database |
The database provides information on invasive alien plants in Swaziland, including taxonomical and botanical information, original range, a measure of invasiveness, invasive plant maps and photos. A project was carried out in 2003/2004 by Kate Braun, Sikhumbuzo Dlamini and Titus Dlamini, under the auspices of the Swaziland Environmental Authority, to compile existing data on alien invasive plants of Swaziland. One product of this project was the creation of an online database of Swaziland's alien/non-indigenous plants, with distribution maps and photographs or illustrations. |
The great reshuffling : human dimensions of invasive alien species |
This compilation of papers delivered during a workshop on the human dimensions of the IAS problem, held in Cape Town, South Africa on 15-17 September 2000, covers some of the many causes, consequences and responses to this problem. |
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) |
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is an intergovernmental organisation with a mandate from its 178 Members to improve animal health worldwide. The OIE is the reference standard-setting international organisation according to the Agreement of the World Trade Organisation. It is responsible for ensuring transparency of the animal disease situation worldwide, including diseases transmissible to humans, as well as safeguarding the sanitary safety of world trade of animals and animal products and ensuring food safety. Since 2000 the organisation also publishes international standards on animal welfare. |
This page provides A list of USA National Park Sources, Taxonomic References and other sources used within IPA-US. |
Invasive Plants Atlas of the United States – Listing Sources |
Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
Trends in Ecology & Evolution keeps these scientists informed of new developments and ideas across the full range of ecology and evolutionary biology - from the pure to the applied, and from molecular to global. |
UICN - French Comission of the IUCN |
Website of the initiative on invasive alien species in the French communities oversese Invasive alien species are one of the main threats to biodiversity overseas and are a growing challenge for these territories to the exceptional natural resources. Facing this challenge, the French Committee of IUCN urged a specific initiative in ultra-marines communities, based on the mobilization of all stakeholders. Developed as part of this initiative, this Web site provides today access to scientific, technical and legal information on invasive alien species that threaten ecosystems and native of overseas and on strategies to better manage" |
USDA National Invasive Species Resource Center invasive species journals |
Covers individual scientific journal titles that deal with invasive species. and scientific journal articles here. |
USDA National Invasive Species Resource Center journals |
Covers individual scientific journal titles |
Weed Research |
Weed Research is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes topical and innovative papers on all aspects of weeds, defined as plants that impact adversely on economic, aesthetic or environmental aspects of any system. |
Weed Science |
Weed Science publishes original research and scholarship in the form of peer-reviewed articles focused on understanding why phenomena occur in agricultural crops. It focuses on fundamental research directly related to all aspects of weed science in agricultural systems. |
Weeds Australia |
Users can perform keyword searches for weeds and weed management in Australia. Relevant documents in PDF or other formats will be shown. The site also provides links and information to national weed strategies, weed identification, a glossary of acronyms, a list of noxious weeds and other resources. This site has been created by the Australian Weeds Committee to promote access to key weed policies, regulations, current issues, national initiatives, research, extension, training and personnel. It is our hope that anyone involved in weed management will find this site useful and provide feedback and comment, so that it can be continually improved. |
Weeds of Mexico |
The site provides fact sheets and photos for up to 700 weed species in Mexico, as well as comparative and illustrated tables to assist with plant identification. The site aims to help both botanists and non-botanists identify Mexican plants of disturbed places (i.e. weeds) and to find information about them. |
Wildlife Research |
Wildlife Research provides an international forum for the publication of original and significant research and debate on the ecology and management of wild animals in natural and modified habitats. The journal combines basic research in wildlife ecology with advances in science-based management practice. It has a broad scope ranging from the management of pest and invasive wildlife through to the conservation of threatened species. |
WTO/STDF - STDF page on invasive alien species |
Links to Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) publications on IAS. |
WTO/STDF - WTO documents |
Some WTO Members notify when a risk assessment has become available. WTO documents in general can be accessed through Documents Online. Documents Online provides access to the official documentation of the World Trade Organization. The database contains over 100,000 documents in the three official languages from 1995 onwards and is updated daily. All WTO documents are posted in PDF and WORD format. The application provides a descriptive catalogue record for every document stored in the archive. It is possible to consult all of these documents online and also to download selected documents from the site. |