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Rubus ellipticus Sm
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Southern Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Tropical China, and the Philippines)
Rubus ellipticus commonly known as Yellow Himalayan raspberry is a thorny fruiting shrub that originates from South Asia. It is called hisalu,ashilo or aisayloo and is loved by children playing in the forests. It is sweet to the taste, though it is not harvested for domestic use. The fruit perishes quickly after plucking from the thorny bush.
Invasive species - 100 worst[edit]
Rubus ellipticus is listed in the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group database as an Invasive species, one of the World's 100 worst invasive species.[1]
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- ^ "Rubus ellipticus". Invasive Species Specialist Group. 20 July 2006. Retrieved 17 July 2010.
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Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, S Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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Rubus fasciculatus var. tomentosus Cardot (Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 314. 1917), described from Yunnan based on P. Ngueou s.n. and Ducloux 5147, is probably a synonym of R. ellipticus; the present authors have not seen the syntypes.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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Himalaya (Swat to Bhutan), Assam, Ceylon, Burma, east to W. China, Philippines.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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Himalayan raspberry is a stout evergreen shrub with prickly stems about 12 feet long. Its thick leaves are about 3-4 inches long and 2-3 inches wide, divided into three roughly equal "finglers" with toothed leaf margins and inch-long leaf stalks that are densely covered with prickles. The flowers of yellow Himalayan raspberry are white and occur in short, terminal panicles. The fruit is yellow, edible and highly sought after.
1700-2300 m
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Shrubs 1–3 m tall. Branchlets purplish brown or brownish, pubescent, with sparse, curved prickles and dense, purplish brown bristles or glandular hairs. Leaves imparipinnate, 3-foliolate; petiole 2–6 cm, petiolule of terminal leaflet 2–3 cm, lateral leaflets subsessile, petiolule and rachis purplish red bristly, pubescent, with minute prickles; stipules linear, 7–11 mm, pubescent, with intermixed glandular hairs; blade of leaflets elliptic or obovate, 4–8(–12) × 3–6(–9) cm, terminal leaflet much larger than lateral leaflets, abaxially densely tomentose, with purplish red bristles along prominent veins, adaxially veins impressed, pubescent along midvein, base rounded, margin unevenly minute sharply serrate, apex acute, abruptly pointed, shallowly cordate, or subtruncate. Inflorescences terminal, dense glomerate racemes, (1.5–)2–4 cm, flowers several to 10 or more, or flowers several in clusters in leaf axils, rarely flowers solitary; rachis and pedicels pubescent, bristly; bracts linear, 5–9 mm, pubescent. Pedicel 4–6 mm. Flowers 1–1.5 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially pubescent, intermixed yellowish tomentose, sparsely bristly; sepals erect, ovate, 4–5(–6) × 2–3(–4) mm, abaxially densely yellowish gray tomentose, apex acute and abruptly pointed. Petals white or pink, spatulate, longer than sepals, margin premorse, densely pubescent, base clawed. Stamens numerous, shorter than petals; filaments broadened and flattened basally. Ovary pubescent; styles glabrous, slightly longer than stamens. Aggregate fruit golden yellow, subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., glabrous or drupelets pubescent at apex; pyrenes triangular-ovoid, densely rugulose. Fl. Mar–Apr, fr. Apr–May. 2n = 14.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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"Ramblers; stems covered with red bristles; prickles recurved, leaflets 5 x 5 cm, obovate to orbicular, serrulate; hispid below; nerves 7 or 8 pairs, spiny below; petiolule 5 mm long. Panicle axillary or terminal, fulvous tomentose; bracts 5 mm long, ovate, acute. Flowers white; pedicels 1 cm long, villous; sepals 6 x 4 mm, ovate, acute, united at base, pubescent; petals 7-8 mm long, obovate; torus densely villous; ovaries glabrous. Drupes 1.5 mm across, glabrous, deep red."
Habit: Shrub