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Isopods are the most diverse in form and the most species-rich crustaceans of the superorder Peracarida (isopods, amphipods, tanaids, and their kin). Isopods are common inhabitants of nearly all environments, and they are unusual among the Crustacea for their ubiquity. The familiar sowbugs and pillbugs are members of this group, along with their marine relatives (gribbles, slatters, etc.). The Isopoda include approximatly 10,000 described species, in 10 suborders. These animals range in length from 0.5 mm to 500 mm (Bathynomus giganteus). Phylogenetic analyses and the fossil record (limited though it is) suggest that the group dates to at least the Carboniferous Period of the Paleozoic, approximately 300 million years ago.
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Rights holder/Author | Richard Brusca, Tree of Life web project |
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Isopoda (Isopoda (N=1)) is prey of:
Calidris ferruginea
Calidris alba
Concholepas concholepas
Sicyases sanguineus
organic stuff
Alosa pseudoharengus
Actinonaias ellipsiformis
Tridonta arctica
Pollachius pollachius
Merluccius bilinearis
Urophycis regia
Urophycis tenuis
Urophycis chuss
Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Hemitripterus americanus
Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus
Leucoraja erinacea
Leucoraja ocellata
Amblyraja radiata
Macrozoarces americanus
Brosme brosme
Tautogolabrus adspersus
Sebastes marinus
Pleuronectes ferrugineus
Scophthalmus aquosus
Paralichthys dentatus
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Hippoglossina oblonga
Pleuronectes americanus
Hippoglossoides platessoides
Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Mustelus canis
Squalus acanthias
Lophius americanus
Pomatomus saltatrix
Loxigilla noctis
Anolis gingivinus
Anolis pogus
Based on studies in:
USA: Massachusetts, Cape Ann (Marine, Sublittoral)
South Africa (Desert or dune)
Chile, central Chile (Littoral, Rocky shore)
Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands shelf (Reef)
USA, Northeastern US contintental shelf (Coastal)
New Zealand: Otago, Catlins, Craggy Tor catchment (River)
This list may not be complete but is based on published studies.
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Rights holder/Author | Cynthia Sims Parr, Joel Sachs, SPIRE |
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Isopoda (Isopoda (N=1)) preys on:
organic stuff
Plant material
organic detritus
Navicula avenacea
Rhoicosphenia curvata
Based on studies in:
USA: Massachusetts, Cape Ann (Marine, Sublittoral)
South Africa (Desert or dune)
USA: New Jersey (Agricultural)
Chile, central Chile (Littoral, Rocky shore)
USA, Northeastern US contintental shelf (Coastal)
New Zealand: Otago, Catlins, Craggy Tor catchment (River)
Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands shelf (Reef)
New Zealand: Otago, Venlaw, Mimihau catchment (River)
This list may not be complete but is based on published studies.
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Rights holder/Author | Cynthia Sims Parr, Joel Sachs, SPIRE |
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All taxa are suborders, except those followed by (F.) which are families of the currently recognized suborder Flabellifera.
Tree from Brusca & Wilson (1991).
The only parsimony-based explicit phylogenetic analysis of higher-level isopod phylogeny was that of Brusca & Wilson (1991, data matrix available from TreeBase). While they concluded that the Isopoda comprise a monophyletic group (a true evolutionary group descending from a single ancestor), they found that one of the ten suborders of isopods, Flabellifera, was not monophyletic. The families of this suborder are therefore presented separately in the phylogeny shown above. The paraphyly of the Flabellifera is clearly evidenced by the scattered locations of the families within the tree. This is an example of a currently used classification that does not accurately reflect the estimated phylogeny of the group in question.
The phylogeny of Brusca and Wilson shows the isopods originating in a "short-tailed" morphology similar to that of modern tanaids, in which the pleotelson is highly reduced and the styliform uropods and anus are terminal. The derived "long-tailed morphology," with a broad elongate pleotelson, flat laterally-placed uropods, and subterminal anus, distinguishes a transition from sedentary and infaunal lifestyles (typical of the short-tailed taxa) to a more active lifestyle typical of the advanced orders and families.
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Rights holder/Author | Richard Brusca, Tree of Life web project |
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Exoskeletons excrete nitrogen waste: woodlice
Exoskeletons of woodlice help them remove waste by excreting gaseous ammonia.
"Terrestrial isopods (suborder Oniscidea) excrete most nitrogen diurnally as volatile ammonia, and ammonia-loaded animals accumulate nonessential amino acids, which may constitute the major nocturnal nitrogen pool. This study explored the relationship between ammonia excretion, glutamine storage/mobilization, and water balance, in two sympatric species Ligidium lapetum (section Diplocheta), a hygric species; and Armadillidium vulgare (Section Crinocheta), a xeric species capable of water-vapor absorption (WVA). Ammonia excretion (12-h), tissue glutamine levels, and water contents were measured following field collection of animals at dusk and dawn. In both species, diurnal ammonia excretion exceeded nocturnal excretion four- to fivefold while glutamine levels increased four- to sevenfold during the night. Most glutamine was accumulated in the somatic tissues ('body wall'). While data support the role of glutamine in nocturnal nitrogen storage, potential nitrogen mobilization from glutamine breakdown (162 µmol g–1 in A. vulgare) exceeds measured ammonia excretion (2.5 µmol g–1) over 60-fold. This may serve to generate the high hemolymph ammonia concentrations (and high PNH3) seen during volatilization. The energetic cost of ammonia volatilization is discussed in the light of these findings. Mean water contents were similar at dusk and dawn in both species, indicating that diel cycles of water depletion and replenishment were not occurring." (Wright and Peña-Peralta 2004:67)
Learn more about this functional adaptation.
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Rights holder/Author | (c) 2008-2009 The Biomimicry Institute |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:9562
Specimens with Sequences:5869
Specimens with Barcodes:5330
Species With Barcodes:572
Public Records:5233
Public Species:437
Public BINs:1113
Genomic DNA is available from 1 specimen with morphological vouchers housed at Ocean Genome Legacy and submitted to the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard)
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Rights holder/Author | Text can be freely copied and altered, as long as original author and source are properly acknowledged. |
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Genomic DNA is available from 3 specimens with morphological vouchers housed at British Antarctic Survey
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Rights holder/Author | Text can be freely copied and altered, as long as original author and source are properly acknowledged. |
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Isopods apparently evolved in shallow marine environments by at least the early or mid-Paleozoic. The first isopods were "short-tailed" - with short pleotelsons and terminal styliform uropods. Phylogenetic analyses and the fossil record agree that the earliest isopods (and the most primitive living species) are members of the short-tailed suborder Phreatoicidea. Today, phreatoicids have a strictly freshwater Gondwanan distribution, with most species occurring in the rivers and lakes of Tasmania. The earliest fossil records of isopods are phreatoicids dating from the Pennsylvanian (the Carboniferous Period of the Paleozoic Era), 300 million year ago. However, Paleozoic phreatoicids were marine forms and they had a cosmopolitan distribution; their fossils have been found in marine deposits from Europe and North America. Thus, the present-day Gondwanan freshwater distribution of these primitive crustaceans represents a relic, or refugial biogeographic pattern.
In fact, virtually all of the short-tailed isopod taxa occupy what could be regarded as biogeographical refugia. Primitive Asellota are largely fresh-water or ground-water inhabitants. Higher Asellota live primarily in the deep-sea, an environment nearly uninhabited altogether by other isopod taxa. Microcerberidea inhabit coastal ground waters or are interstitial. Calabozoidea are so far known only from freshwater springs in Venezuela. And Oniscidea have escaped the aquatic world altogether and are the only fully terrestrial crustaceans. In all these cases, it seems that the primitive isopod lineages have found environments that allowed them to escape the challenges of predation by shallow-water marine fishes, their principal predators, which began their major radiation at about the same time the isopods were beginning theirs (in the middle Paleozoic). It may be that the evolution and radiation of the more advanced "long-tailed" isopods, which probably began in the late Triassic (Mesozoic), also helped drive the short-tailed forms into refugia by competition. Unlike short-tailed taxa, species of long-tailed isopods are highly mobile and frequently leave their benthic shelter to swim short distances through the water. Their elongate pleotelsons and broad, laterally-positioned uropods provide hydrodynamic planar surfaces to assist in swimming.
The profound shift from a relatively sedentary, short-tailed morphology to the active, long-tailed form appears to have coincided with the fragmentation of Pangaea. Since the majority of the long-tailed higher taxa are endemic to the Southern Hemisphere, this suggests that they originated on Gondwanan shores shortly after its separation from Laurasia.
Studies of isopod biogeography have been largely restricted to two suborders, the Valvifera and the Asellota. Among the suborder Valvifera, the family Idoteidae is thought to have co-evolved with large brown algae (Phaeophyta; Laminariales) in temperate latitudes (Brusca and Wallerstein 1979). Idoteids are primarily temperate in distribution and closely associated with the cold-water seaweeds upon which they feed and live. The southern range limits of temperate idoteid isopods may be controlled today primarily by biotic factors, such as absence of suitable substrate/food (e.g. laminarians) or predation pressure from tropical shallow-water fishes. Wallerstein and Brusca (1982) documented patterns of idoteid morphology and behavior indicating that when these isopods evolve in warmer waters they are smaller, their bodies are more spinose, their swimming behaviors differ from their temperate cousins, and they also reproduce at smaller sizes; all possible adaptations to avoid increased predation pressure in the tropics. A phylogenetic analysis of the Valvifera suggested that the suborder originated in the temperate Southern Hemisphere, at least by Permian/Triassic times (Brusca 1984); global distribution patterns of some genera can be ascribed to vicariance processes, others to dispersal, ecological phenomena, or a combination of processes.
Of the 10 isopod suborders, 4 have representatives in the deep sea. However, one of these 4 suborders, the Asellota is far and away the predominant deep-sea isopod taxon, and about 90 percent of all described isopods from this environment are asellotans. Wilson (1980) and Wilson and Hessler (1987) argued that the deep sea has been invaded numerous times by asellotans of several families. Here, the Asellota have radiated widely. In polar regions, various asellotan lineages have re-emerged into shallower waters.
Hessler and Wilson (1983) calculated that 32-51% of all benthic species taken in all deep-sea samples, anywhere in the world have been peracarids, and of the peracarids the isopods are by far the most abundant and speciose deep-sea group. Research has shown that most deep-sea genera are cosmopolitan, whereas deep-sea species may be either widespread or highly restricted in their distribution.
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Rights holder/Author | Richard Brusca, Tree of Life web project |
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