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Lianas con zarcillos. Tallos cilíndricos o cuadrangulares; corte transversal del tallo maduro con xilema multilobado, los lóbulos alternando con tejido de floema dispuesto radialmente; zona interpeciolar glandulosa presente o ausente; pseudoestípulas pequeñas, lanceoladas a ovadas. Hojas opuestas, 2-folioladas, con un zarcillo terminal trífido en forma de garra. Flores en cimas o panículas axilares. Cáliz campanulado, simple; corola amarilla, zigomorfa, tubular o campanulada; estambres 4, didínamos; ovario súpero, linear-cilíndrico, con 2 lóculos y un disco anular en la base. Fruto una cápsula estrecha, alargada y comprimida, con las valvas paralelas al septo; semillas numerosas, con 2 alas. Género con 4 especies de distribución neotropical.
Lianas with tendrils. Stems cylindrical or quadrangular; cross section of the mature stem with multilobed xylem, the lobes alternating with radially arranged phloem tissue; glandular interpetiolar zone present or absent; pseudostipules small, lanceolate to ovate. Leaves opposite, 2-foliolate, with a terminal trifid tendril in the form of a claw. Flowers in axillary cymes or panicles. Calyx campanulate, simple; corolla yellow, zygomorphic, tubular or campanulate; stamens 4, didynamous; ovary superior, linear-cylindrical, with 2 locules and an annular disc at the base. Fruit a narrow capsule, elongate and compressed, with the valves parallel to the septum; seeds numerous, with 2 wings. A genus of 4 species of neotropical distribution.
Depth range based on 2 specimens in 1 taxon.
Environmental ranges
Depth range (m): 1 - 1
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Rights holder/Author | Ocean Biogeographic Information System |
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Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:19
Specimens with Sequences:21
Specimens with Barcodes:21
Species With Barcodes:1
Public Records:8
Public Species:1
Public BINs:0