Invasive Plant Species in Portugal

The site provides a list of plant species invasive in Portugla. Species profiles with photographs are provided along with information on biological invasions and management of invasive plants. There is also a list of publications. Over 550 exotic plant species introduced in Portugal (Continental) are nowadays considered as casual, sub spontaneous or invasive (Marchante et al 2005, Almeida & Freitas 20061). Much more species were introduced but are fully controlled by Humam action, and so are not included in this number.

Portuguese legislation (Decreto Lei nº 565/99) lists about 400 exotic plant species as introduced to Portugal, and from these 30 are classified as invasive species.

Almeida in 19992 referred about 500 exotic sub-spontaneous plant species, classifying 93 as invasive species and 104 as potentially invasive species.

The team of INVADER developed a collection of leaflets about ""Plantas Invasoras em Portugal - fichas para identificação e controlo"" (Invasive Plant Species in Portugal - identification and control). This collection includes the 30 plant species considered invasive by Portuguese law and 3 other also invasive. The leaflets include photos, morphologic descriptions, control methodologies and some extra information about each species.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith