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EOL Text
Probably native of the W Indies, but well naturalised throughout the tropics and subtropics.
Arbusto, hasta 3 m de altura.
Ramas con o sin aguijones, hirsutas; hojas opuestas o ternadas, ovado-oblongas, de 1,5-9,5 por 2-4,5 cm, aserradas, ápice acuminado, base redondeada y decurrente o casi cordada, pubescentes; pecíolos de 5 a 15 mm de largo. Inflorescencias en cabezuelas; pedúnculos de 3 a 10 cm de largo; brácteas lanceoladas o espatuladas, de setosas a pubescentes; cáliz de 2 a 3 mm de largo, de truncado a sinuado-dentado; corola con el tubo de 5 a 12 mm de largo, limbo de 3 a 10 mm de largo, amarilla, anaranjada o rojo purpúreo. Frutos negro-azul al madurar.Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 11
Specimens with Barcodes: 56
Species With Barcodes: 1
United States
Origin: Exotic
Regularity: Regularly occurring
Currently: Unknown/Undetermined
Confidence: Confident
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Rights holder/Author | NatureServe |
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Isotype for Lantana scandens Moldenke
Catalog Number: US 1824989
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Verification Degree: Original publication and alleged type specimen examined
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): G. B. Hinton
Year Collected: 1938
Locality: Pto. del Aire, Villa Victoria., Coalcoman, Michoacán, Mexico, North America
- Isotype: Moldenke, H. N. 1941. Phytologia. 2: 18.
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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United States
Rounded National Status Rank: NNA - Not Applicable
"Most aggresive weed of disturbed ground from plains to the hills. Native of tropical America, widely naturalised in tropics and subtropics."
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Rights holder/Author | Keystone Foundation, India Biodiversity Portal |
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Holotype for Lantana horrida f. inermis Moldenke
Catalog Number: US 571793
Collection: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Botany
Preparation: Pressed specimen
Collector(s): G. Gaumer
Locality: Yucatán, Mexico, North America
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Rights holder/Author | This image was obtained from the Smithsonian Institution. Unless otherwise noted, this image or its contents may be protected by international copyright laws. |
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Rounded Global Status Rank: G5 - Secure
Nile region (Aswan).
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Rights holder/Author | Bibliotheca Alexandrina, BA Cultnat, Bibliotheca Alexandrina - EOL Ar |
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